At Fairview Road, we believe in experiencing and celebrating New Life, Everyday, Because of Jesus.
Our ministry staff works to harness and focus this vision throughout the congregation and our community.

We have been actively involved at Fairview Road since moving to Columbia in 2002. God has moved in a variety of ways to draw me deeper into ministry work. I have a love and passion for the local church and involving people in the work of God’s Kingdom. I graduated from Oklahoma Christian University in 2002 with dual degrees in Public Relations and Vocational Ministry. I have a passion for Old Testament literature because I believe it shows us so much of God’s character and desire to do redemptive works through people. That redemptive work still goes on today by the Spirit of God moving through his Kingdom. I hope to have the chance to help you find your part in that exciting work.

I came to know Christ through Karen and was baptized in 1998. Shortly after that, God placed on my heart a desire and burden for ministry so we decided that I would continue in my law practice and simultaneously pursue an M.Div. through Harding University Graduate School of Religion, and then wait to see what God would do. In early 2005, God opened a door with a ministry position in our home congregation here at Fairview Road, and after much prayer and discernment, we determined that God wanted me in full-time ministry for that season of life. In 2017, God opened another door that allows me to practice law full-time again but also preach much of the time at Fairview. Being a part of the Fairview Family for over two decades has been and continues to be a real blessing!
My wife and I strongly desire for God to use us to build up the body of Christ so that the church is equipped to tell others about the Lord so they will decide to follow Him too! I hope we get the chance to meet you!

I graduated from Harding University in 2017 with a degree in Bible and Ministry. I have a passion for missions and believe that serving others is a vital part of worshiping God. I believe that today’s youth are a vital part of God’s church and play an important role in His mission to seek and save the lost. If you’re a student in grades 6th-12th and are looking for a community to plug into, belong, and serve with then let me be the first to welcome you to the Fairview Road Youth Group. We’re excited to have you!
“I have attended Fairview for the last sixteen years, and worked the last two and a half years as office secretary. My path to the Fairview office was paved by my love of the Fairview congregation, the rich resources available here for growing and serving in Christ, and my background in customer service management in the college, textbook industry where I truly loved working with both my staff and the clients we served.
Degrees in human nutrition reflect a great respect for the miracle of the human body, mind and spirit and how they work together as well as the wonder of living food and the God who made it all. Regardless of the setting, I find our diverse human journeys immensely fascinating. I love working with our inter-generational Fairview congregation and the community and connecting as best I can members, callers, and visitors with the resources they need.”

David Parker
I am married to Michele and we have four children. I have been a member of the church since childhood and a member at Fairview Road since 2006, when we relocated to Columbia. One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Micah 6:8 because it is a simple guide of how we should live out our Christian lives in the world. What does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Jim Provence
Judy and I have been married 51 years and blessed with two children and seven grandchildren. I was baptized at 15 and became a member of Fairview Road in 2010 when we moved to Missouri. I am partial to I Peter 1:3 ff as it calls us to remember the heavenly reward awaiting the believer.